Awards are focused on succession of foundation vision and mission in various ways through different efforts done by different individuals, companies and institutions toward fundraising program conducted each year but also succession of different


Awards recognize different professional individuals who use their profession to improve other people’s lives beyond normal volunteerism, this including health workers like doctors, nurses, software developers, community workers, journalists, musicians, nutritionists and more other professionals


Awards recognize various efforts done by different people in the society towards promoting effective humanity to the nation, this may be due to health issues, social welfare issues, democracy issues, peace issues, empowerment issues and more other issues with national harmony


Special awards will recognize different individuals, companies and institutions towards their special efforts on specific issues, this may be given to retired leaders, government projects, institutional projects of various organizations and so on, regarding to effective efforts done with an impact to the community


Due to increase of mental health issues that have become a huge threat in the world, different initiatives done by different people and organizations to rescue the world from threat are recognized by the Humanitarian Award and valued by giving out awards to various initiatives dealing with Mental Health issues

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